First-time Registration
If the country that hosts your university has not yet participated to the IPT, you can form a team on your own and directly contact us.
If more than one team apply in a country without a representative, the Executive Committee (ExeCom) takes the responsibility to organise a national selection. The teams must complete a written report outlining the solution to one problem selected from a possible three that will be taken from the official list selected by the IOC. The teams have 4 weeks after the registration deadline to send their written report. Each team is free to enclose his own experimental material and to cite it properly in the report.
The International Organising Committee may help the new participating countries to pay their entry fees to the tournament. However, the travel costs to and from the tournament location are the charge of the team.
Constitution of the teams
A team consists in a maximum of six students (only bachelor and master students – no PhD acccepted, sorry!), and two team leaders (PhD, Postdoc, or Professors).
The fees are 1100€ per team. The fees include housing, meals and some activities in Moscow during the week of the tournament. The travel costs from and to the tournament have to be paid by the teams. Note that the fees are not required to be payable by the registration deadlines. We will contact teams soon after registration to set a deadline for payment.
For any additional participant, a supplementary fee (defined by the Local Organizing Committee – LOC) must be paid by the sending university or the participant to cover his/her accommodation and living costs.
- The deadline for registration has passed,
If the LOC has not received the registration fee before the deadline, the fee may change (due to logistical considerations) or the team registration may be cancelled at the discretion of the LOC.
Please note that the composition of the teams can be given after the registration or fee payment.
Preselection and registrations
The total number of team able to participate in IPT 2018 will be 18. 4 seats are by default attributed to the previous edition’s finalists and to the host country. If the number of registered teams is greater than the remaining seats, the ExeCom will engage an international preselection procedure. If two or more teams from the same country register, the ExeCom will engage a national preselection procedure to determine which team will represent its country. If both national and international preselection procedures must be engaged, they will take place simultaneously, the best national team being automatically qualified for the international preselection. The completed report should be sent to by the deadline.
You can find more informations about the preselection processe on the dedicated webpage or in the IPT Official Rules (Sect. 1.4). Please note it is likely that the preselection process will be engaged.
Reserved seats :
Ukraine (IPT 2017 Winner)
Sweden (IPT 2017 Finalist)
France (IPT 2017 Finalist)
Russia (IPT 2018 Host)
Thank you for your pre-selection submissions. The results have been communicated. Registration fee payment deadline is below and details are communicated to all teams.
Register now by email through your local IOC representative or directly to the Executive Committee if your country is not represented yet in the International Organizing Committee.