Pre-selection results (by qualification rank, including reserved spots):
The top 18 teams in the ranking pass to final the tournament in Moscow.
Winners of Ukrainian National Tournament
Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
École Polytechnique (France)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Hosts)
Voronezh State University (Russia)
EPFL (Switzerland)
Federal Univeristy of ABC (Brasil)
University of Warsaw (Poland)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Bogota (Colombia)
University of Zagreb (Croatia)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
Bologna-Milan University (Italy)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaat (Germany)
Universidad Simon Bolivar (Venezuela)
Team USA (Dartmouth College and Colombia University)
Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
Shiv Nadar Univeristy (India)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Nankai University (China)
University of Queensland (Australia)
Iranian national tournament winners
Registered teams (by registration date):
Australia – University of Queensland
USA – Team USA (Columbia University and Dartmouth College)
Sweden – Chalmers University of Technology (Winners of the Swedish national selection)
Colombia – Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Bogota (Winners of the Colombian national selection)
Iran – Winners of the Iranian Physicists’ Tournament
Brazil – Federal University of ABC
India – Shiv Nadar University
Denmark – Technical University of Denmark
Germany – Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaat (Winners of the German National Selection)
Italy – Bologna-Milan University (Winners of the Italian national Selection)
Croatia – University of Zagreb
Venezuela – Simón Bolívar University
Slovenia- University of Ljubljana
Poland – University of Warsaw
Switzerland – EPFL (Winners of the Swiss national Selection)
China – Nankai University
France – École Polytechnique (Winners of the French Physicists’ Tournament)
Russia – Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Russia – Voronezh State University (Winners of the Russian national selection)
Greece – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Winners of the Greek national selection)
Last update : 22/01/2018